Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

New Year's Eve was a really fun, crazed night. I paid the consequences the next day for too much drinking fun, though... Ooof, I'm never doing that again.

I'm in Long Island for the week, cat-sitting for Brenda. I'm getting a lot of knitting done. Today I nearly finished this piece of cherry pie! I can't completely finish it, though, because the toy stuffing is back at home, and I have to stuff it before I finish sewing it up. Here's a picture of it nearly complete, though:

pie 007

I also started on a scarf for myself, Midwest Moonlight (Ravelry link) from the book Scarf Style. At first I was cranky with all the careful row counting, but I'm starting to like the look of it.

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