Monday, April 6, 2009


Things have been very busy for me lately. I got a job about 3 weeks ago (I started March 17, I think) and now I have very little time to blog and go on Ravelry and worst yet, knit. I don't know how I'm going to get my grandmother's shawl done for her birthday. I guess I'll keep plugging away and try to to work on it more than I'm working on my swap gift -- Which is due a week or so after Grandma's birthday. But it's a much simpler pattern, and it's fun for subway knitting.

John and I are apartment hunting again, this time much more seriously. I think we may have found our new place. I'm going to look at one more apartment tomorrow after work, and then unless it's a real contender, I think we'll take this place in Sunset Park that's a short walk to my job!

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