Monday, September 29, 2008

"Les Misbarack"

I love this video so, so much. I don't know if they're actors or real Obama campaign workers -- I THINK they're real campaign workers, but I'm not sure. Nonetheless, it is freaking brilliant.

Viva la revolucion!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Commercials are stupid.

This ad is so creepy. Therefore I must share it with the rest of you:

Also, John showed me this great commercial from when he was a kid, about poison control...

I've been singing it all day! Okay, now I have to go knit swatches...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stupid banks.

My bank got bought out. Details here. This sucks. I really liked Washington Mutual. Then again, any bank is better than the one I had before, Apple Bank. They were AWFUL. I mean, totally incompetent.

This economic disaster thing sucks the big one.

I had my 2nd crochet class last night! Unfortunately there are only 2, but I learned a bit -- I'm still a total newbie, but I'm psyched about learning more. And I'm looking into taking a class that can make me a Certified knitting instructor, which I'm very excited about. I'm waiting to hear about if the class is full yet -- Hopefully not, in which case I'll be taking it in about 3 weeks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Water, water, everywhere...

I saw a rather distressing documentary today with my mother. It was called "Flow: For Love of Water". Watch the trailer:

I'm going to a crochet class tomorrow! I'm very excited. Finally I'm going to learn to crochet!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The neverending baby blanket

I started this entrelac baby blanket back in June, for Andy (Doug's baby), and I'm still knitting it. It's only about a third done. Granted, I've taken a few breaks from it -- some of those breaks were a week or 2 long -- But it's taking freaking forever!

Now Brenda told me that she's going to Florida the first weekend of October, to see Doug and family, and I'm wondering: Can I get the blanket done in time? If I make a push and work on it every day, could I really get it done?

15 tiers of entrelac to go. If I work my butt off, I think I could knit half a tier per day. That's 30 days. No. I can't do it. Seriously. I mean, if I was going to work on the thing 8 hours a day, I could probably swing it, but I am NOT willing to do that! My hands will ache and just... poo. Oh well. I guess it will have to be a Christmas gift.

I'm hoping to hear back soon about freelance knitting. Veryyyy anxious. I really want to be able to do this. Everyone send "CALL ME!" vibes!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We're Back!

...Well, we've been back for a week. But we've been recovering from jet-lag, unpacking, etc... So I just got around to posting pictures. I did it on Photobucket which isn't nearly as good as Flickr, but my Flickr account is nearly full, so I couldn't use it. Anyway... check out my pictures! I wish I could have taken more, but the memory card on my camera got filled up so fast!


It was really beautiful in Kauai. The weather was amazing - Warm but rarely uncomfortably so, occasionally rainy but almost never for more than 10 minutes. We were careful to put sunscreen on every day, since both John and I do not tan - We ONLY burn. So I started to get in the habit of swimming at sunset, which was really cool. It was awesome to sit in the water and watch the sun set over the mountains (or "Puff" the dragon)!