It's so gray out today. Usually at 8:30 the sun wakes me up because it's hitting me in the face, but not today. I guess it tricked Wendy, too, because she slept until 10! Her daddy did wake us up when he left, but Wendy went back down when I nursed her.
She's so funny now. She makes such deliberate choices. She loves throwing things down the stairs, which can be annoying. Toys, remote controls, shoes... She's also been doing this funny thing with her walker where she turns it upside down and walks with it that way! She also loves to open her drawers and empty all her clothes onto the floor.
Whenever she picks up her duck toy, she says "Kak kak kak!" That's her way of saying "Quack quack quack," which her mimi (grandmother) showed her.
I can't believe she's going to be one in less than a week!