Monday, March 9, 2009

Good Ears

I guess I have good hearing... I'm turning 27 soon but I passed this test (supposedly only people under 25 can hear it). I guess the real test is to try it again in 5-10 years!

Train Horns

Created by Train Horns

(Warning: If you can hear it, it's about as teeth-grinding as nails on a chalkboard... To me, anyway)...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Achy breaky head...

My head is killing me. A nice woman from my knitting group (Hi Penelope!) drove me to the subway station after the group let out, and as I was getting out of her car, I bashed my head on the top of the car. It still hurts, 2 hours later. That's not so good. I mean, it's not bad enough to be a concussion, but I kind of feel like I lost a few IQ points.

We found a home for Ralph, the new cat from the street! My mom's friend Ellen is taking him in on Friday for a "trial run", but I think it's likely that she'll keep him permanently. He's a pretty sweet little cat.